Tuesday, April 20, 2010


So i was thinking.
In general, when you're deciding if you're ready for something. How do you know? Meaning, if you say you're ready, do you just think that because of feelings that aren't trustworthy? Does that even make sense?
I'd say there are occasions when you want to do something, and aren't ready.
or when you are ready, but don't want to.
or when you aren't ready and don't want to.
And finally, when you are ready and want to.
So the question is, how do you know you're ready?

Of course, there's this whole moral and ethical side, being what you want should not necessarily be what you should do.
In closing, I want to do something.
I think I'm ready, but I'm not sure.
And is it really something I should do?


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this is pretty self explanatory...
