Tuesday, November 30, 2010

i went crazy with photoshop tutorials..

this is crappy. i need to practice with the whole painting with the brushes thing.

also didn't turn out how i wanted.

i love christmas lights. very much.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Attempts at Photoshop Tutorials.

I suck.

didn't turn out at all like i wanted.
I need a pad thingy like my daddy-o has.

this one was supposed to look like a banknote/dollar bill.
i'll try again some other time.

Monday, November 22, 2010

me + 2 day weeks= ♥

2 day weeks may also be replaced with demetri martin.
because i swear, if i wanted a trophy husband, it would be him. :D

kidding :)

but he is pretty hilarious.
i can't wait for christmas. and snow.... i know, i hate snow. but i also love it. im psyched to possible get some pretty decent snow pictures this year, for sure.

this week, is hopefully... pretty decent. maybe even awesome. 

Sunday, November 14, 2010

i burn toast. all the time.

man, this is so BA.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

the something pretty cool.

see original below :)

finally downloaded photoshop:)

still learning how to use it.
slowly but surely.
look what i did today!

and i'm working on something pretty cool right now :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

list making.

pj shorts!
old navy, they have strawberries on them:)

hiding behind your hair, stymptom of an introvert?

this headbanging stuff hurts your neck and head after a while.
i should try to take some more motion pictures.
other than me, of course.

edit!!! i havent done one in so long:)

Top 6
1. my number one tv show right now is the office.
2. jim and pam (the office, people, stay with me here!) are officially the cutest fictional couple ive ever heard of. fer sure.
3. i hate snow. and cold.
4. i can't wait for christmas, i dont know why.
5. i have senioritis. and i'm a sophomore. that is unhealthy...
6. im on an immediate countdown to the end of german class, thanksgiving break, christmas break, the end of the school year, and graduation.

chicago trip number one of sophomore year.

my camera threw up, yet again.

this, sadly, is considered art. i just dont see it.
the picture below is the description placed near it in the museum.
